House of Mary Magdalene Scholarship Application
The modest membership fee of $13/month for the House of Mary Magdalene covers the significant costs in maintaining an online monthly membership and supports Meggan's livelihood and ability to have the time to write, study, and teach. We understand that for some, even this modest monthly fee makes membership impossible due to extreme financial hardship.
For those who are genuinely unable to join because of limited finances, we have a small handful of scholarships that Meggan and other community members have donated. Meggan wants everyone who feels called to join this community to be able to and never wants financial issues to keep anyone from joining.
To ensure that the scholarships go to those who are truly in need, we ask that you apply only if you are living in financial hardship. Please do not apply if you are easily covering basic expenses. We are relying on the honor system, and trust that you will only apply if you truly need to so that scholarships will be available for those in genuine need.
We also ask that you give us more insight into why you feel called to this community and to studying the gospels and scriptures of the early Christ Movement.